
Monday is usually my day off. Actually, it’s almost my day off. I have a hard time leaving the computer alone and staying away from email. This past Monday I tried to make my a day off real Sabbath. I didn’t touch the computer, didn’t read an email, and for good measure, I didn’t turn on the T.V.

It was great. It was also difficult, especially as the day drew to a close. I wanted so badly to go upstairs, fire up the computer and see what was in my inbox. But I resisted and yesterday morning when I checked my email I found in my inbox nothing pressing. Yet I know if I had check email on Monday I would have spent at least an hour writing responses or checking blogs.

I’m going to continue this discipline on Mondays. Partly because it changed the rhythm of my day in a pleasant way and partly because I found it so stinkin’ hard to leave the computer off even though I was having such a great day.

The T. V. issue is much easier for me, especially in the summer. I’ve already decided that when fall rolls around, I’m going to cut back substantially on the shows I consider to be “must see.”


  1. Blog Sabbath….I need it. I used to be so good not to turn the computer on either Saturday or Sunday…..I must get back to that.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Monday would be an easy TV fast day, it is usually the Braves day off..

  2. except for 24…
    which we need somekind of watch party for….

  3. thanks for reminding us of the “forgotten 4th commandment.” it’s good to see leaders taking this seriously.

  4. I am able to ignore TV. I just don’t get it anymore.

    I do struggle with the email issue though. I want a Blackberry…I don’t want a Blackberry. I absolutely need a Blackberry…I absolutely do not need one. A day or two away from email would not, contrary to my almost sincere conviction, cause my world to crumble apart. Kudos do you Wade. I look forward to trying the same. Now what day will I choose ?????

  5. I just can’t get enough Blogahol.. (to paraphrase Homer Simpson).
    First time comment. Just found your site and enjoy it.
    I am noticing more and more how much I constantly check news, sports, blogs and email. Without every visiting a site of ill repute, a Christian can be way too distracted and focused on the web.
    As a minister, I sometimes think of my day off as a day to “play” on the web, but I am starting to rethink that.

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