
The range of what we think and do
Is limited by what we fail to notice
And because we fail to notice
That we fail to notice
There is little we can do
To change
Until we notice
How failing to notice
Shapes our thoughts and deeds

–R. D. Laing


  1. that’s clever.
    but i notice everything!

  2. So what you’re saying is not noticing that you aren’t noticing can’t be noticed until you notice the fact that you aren’t noticing what is failing to be noticed? Oh.

  3. Don and Tami Stogsdill says:


    Sure you got the author right? Sounds like something Toby Keith would Wright, or maybe we’re missing something here.

  4. Don and Tami Stogsdill says:

    Guess we answered our own question (write not wright)

  5. I liked the beginning, but toward the middle, I got distracted by all of the pretty pictures of the books on the right hand side of your page.

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