
I’m testing the Firefox performancing for my blog.

Update:  I’m liking this.

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  1. Wade,
    Can you explain to me, in English, why I need this or if I need it? I have a basic WordPress blog. Will this help me?

  2. It makes posting a bit easier, especially if you like writing blog posts while offline and then posting them later.

  3. Hey Wade,
    Did you catch Dwight’s Battlestar Galactica sweatshirt on The Office last night? I’m totally getting one for Heather.

  4. Are you a mac or pc person? Firefox is definitely the rave for PCers and it works quite well on mac, especially the Foxy Tunes Addon that syncs with iTunes.

    I am doing all I can to steer believers and others away from the Evil Empire of Microsoft.


  5. I’m a pc guy with serious mac-envy issues.

    Firefox is the only way to go.

  6. Get on with your true Mac self!


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