The Airing of the Grievances

I think we’re going to incorporate some elements of Festivus into our Advent assemblies at Garnett.

One thing we may do is take some time during an upcoming assembly for the “The airing of the grievances.”

The way I see it working is that we’ll have an open mic and anyone who wants to can come up and declare how they’ve been disappointed by different members of our community. The only rule will be that the person that has disappointed you has to be in the room when you make your declaration.

I think it will make for a lively Sunday. It might even be a great opportunity to invite a friend.

What do you think?


  1. Make sure your record this. I’ll pay top dollar for it.

  2. I think I would like to have some of whatever you are drinking!


  3. Then for Mother’s Day next year you can give a prize to the heaviest mother, as determined by a scales in front of the church. Good luck with the airing of grievances.

    Truthfully, with the right setup and atmosphere, it could be wonderful. But it could also go terribly wrong.

  4. I only thought fireworks were for the fourth of July.

  5. To preserve the dignity of the situation, the person airing their grievances should wear a Harlequin’s hat, complete with the bells. Or, since it’s Oklahoma, perhaps a Harlequin’s Stetson. Question: at what point in the service do the “feats of strength” come in?

  6. Like I said b4, I like it, I bet we could sell tickets, boy it would be fun! All day event.

    Good talking with ya this morn Wade, Keep up the good work. I laughed and laughed this morn. about Festivus.

  7. I’m hoping that the “feats of strength” will flow naturally out of the “airing of the grievances.” That’s why we’ll have a wrestling mat where the communion table usually sits.

  8. festivus! for the rest of us!

  9. Great idea. But that’s what preaching is for already. I get the mic and critize all the people at my church every sunday.
    Success builds credibility.

  10. Somehow this reminds me of an actual quote from Mike Cope after commenting to him that there would be folks who would not like a particular aspect of the worship we had just shared:

    “Here at Highland we like to have a little something every week that will offend someone. Because it will bless someone else.”

  11. Man, I hope you’re not serious. If you are can I come? I’ll need people to wear name tags. That’ll make it easier to make stuff up.

  12. I’m reminded of what I said to you at HO about your anatomy. I’ll check the northern sky for bright lights on the day. rtrr

  13. My club at school does festivus every year. We find it’s a good way to get stuff off our chest and have fun while we do it. Also to prove who is the strongest or has the best dance moves and who can dress the most like an old couple. I think everyone should go to a thift store and by some really awesome old people clothes and wear them sunday as well. See if you can get Jerry Stiller to give the sermon.

  14. wow… you serious? I just want to make sure i don’t miss the sunday we do this.. you might want to talk to Mr. Taylor about being a referee… it could get nasty.

  15. How long can I talk? ;-}
    I can drop them like a bad of dirt.

    Taylor can’t referee he’s too nice. Plus he’d have trouble with the mic. I love ya G. Dog!

    We need someone who’s a mom with boys to referee. The blond could do it.

  16. That would be one of the times where everyone comes, but no one really wanted to be there.

    P.S. The Starfish and the Spider is a great book.

  17. Taylor is in the wrestling hall of fame for refereeing… he is way qualified… but i don’t know.. church of crist people are known for being wild..?

  18. *christ*

  19. Taylor couldn’t handle the CofC folks. If he gets too close you could take him down with a blow to the knee. Not that I do that to him.

  20. Wade I finished the “The Starfish and the Spider” check out my review if you want.

  21. not too sure about this one wade, made me take a very deep breath. Maybe after the holidays when emotions are not at such a fevered pitch. Just my opinion. I rather like the concepts of not airing problems. Agree instead to find ways to connect and focus on the connectedness of our church family.

  22. I wouldn’t miss this at our church for the world. Maybe we could make this a brotherhood wide event and invite churches from all across the nation. Now THAT we could charge admission for.

  23. Serenity Now!

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