The Art of the Start

We’ve been hanging out in Austin all week long. We’ve met new friends, scoped out different parts of the city, and eaten tons of good food. Can’t wait to move here in June.

If you live in the Austin area and want to know more about the church plant, which for now has been creatively titled “The Austin Project,” drop a comment or hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

Tomorrow we head for Boise to attend “The Art of the Start.” This is a training event for church planters. The name comes from Guy Kawasaki’s book of the same title. It’ a pretty good read if you’re getting ready to start something.

I’ve been chillin on the blog for few weeks, but once we get back from Idaho, I’m going to get busy posting more about The Austin Project and what I’m learning from the experience.


  1. Sounds cool Wade! God bless you and your family on the trip to Boise, ID. I hope and pray it is an uplifting, and encouraging experience there. Be safe and have fun. Can’t wait to read more about what y’all learn and more about y’all’s church plant plans. God bless you all. Grace and Peace.

  2. chris seidman says:

    Grew up around the corner from Chez Zee – great place! I’m so partial to Austin but come by it honestly having grown up there. I’m really thrilled you’re going to be there.

  3. Joe Baggett says:

    Wade I am glad to hear about the church plant there in Austin. My family has a long history in the area. If you want some real good perspective I would suggest the book “No perfect people allowed, creating a come as you are culture in the church” it was written by John Burke. He and a team started a church in Austin back in the mid nineties called Gateway. It was primarily focused on reaching the young post modernist in Austin. They have done an amazing job at not only reaching these people but creating a culture of spiritual growth. They have two campuses one north and one south. Both of my brothers attend there.

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