The Christmas Spirit

As I get older, it seems I have to work a little harder to get into the Christmas spirit each year. Last year, I never really felt Christmassy. So, I’m thinking strategically about what I need to do to put myself in the correct posture to receive the spirit of Christmas.

Before I share my ideas in a future post, please help me out.

What do you do to get into the Christmas spirit?


  1. Have little kids and drive them around looking at Christmas lights. That worked for me this year.

  2. music. especially Handel’s Messiah

  3. I pop in “A Christmas Story” and watch the part where the family has to go to the Chinese restaurant for Christmas dinner because it is the only place open, and the staff sings, “Deck the hars with bows of harry, fa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra.” That just about does it for me.

  4. Christmas Vacation movie

    Eggnog (the more rum, the more spirit) πŸ˜‰

    My wife kicking me in the shin under the table.

  5. I don’t…..and don’t even try.

    What I am excited about is this years children’s musical. Watching children come to understand what they are singing about is exciting.

    We’re speding this Christmas in Europe and talking about going to visit missionaire in the field in Brazil next Christmas.

    I hope my kids don’t come to think of me as the Christmas kill joy.

  6. This coming Saturday we plan to take the kids to pick out a tree. While we decorate the tree we turn on Christmas music and drink hot apple cider. For me this always does the trick.

  7. lene davis says:

    I am with you…not really feeling the commercial christmasy thing…cutting way back this year…no gifts for anyone…we are getting an Apples to Apples game and play that…we will celebrate Kwanzaa after christmas….what does it for me is christmasy music and thinking of the real meaning of the season…jesus…peace and know that you are loved

  8. I have an awesome life-like manger scene. I take some quiet time alone to sit and stare at it and all the expressions on all the faces. I read the birth story in Luke and try to image all the simpleness and magesty of His birth and what it may have been like to experience it like the shepherd’s or the wise men. Reflecting on Christ’s birth in this way reminds me of who’s I am and where my true home is and my purpose for existing here on earth. Although I know this year round, it has a special meaning of joy and hope at Christmas time.

  9. There’s nothing like watching “Home Alone” to get me in the mood!

  10. What I want to know is how to help that spirit of generosity and joy thrive throughout the other eleven months!

  11. Guess I’m lucky. I don’t have to do anything. It just happens.


  12. christmas sweaters. you need a big puffy christmas sweater. with dangling yarn balls and jingle bells. flashing light build into the sweater will help as well.

    Also. Complain as much as possible about how Jesus is the reason for the season. Demand Merry Christmas from everyone you meet and correct everyone who says, Happy Holidays.

    Get a bright christmas sweater that says, Jesus is the reason for the season.

    buy lots of stuff for the family.
    Listen to christmas music on the radio.

    That should help.

  13. I love drinking tea, and being by a fireplace. Also, I have kids so really it is easy for me. Go to the tea my friend.

  14. To me, the best Christmas movie is “It’s a Wonderful Life”.

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