The Dark Tower

Stephen King’s final installment to his The Dark Tower series is out today. I’ll be downloading it from Audible in just a few minutes. Somewhere out there I’m sure someone is thinking, “Are preachers allowed to read Stephen King books?”

First, I’m not reading them. I’m listening to them.
Second, it could be worse. I could be hooked on Nicholas Sparks novels.
Third, while Stephen King doesn’t attend church, he believes in God and he reads the Bible. That’s more than I can say for some of the people I know who attend church.
Fourth, I have found nothing in King’s work that is any more bizarre, grotesque, or disgusting than certain portions of the Old Testament.

Seriously, King is a master storyteller and he can make the English language sing. Not necessarily in a high-brow literary sort of way, but in a way that makes it possible for me to actually understand what he is saying.

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