The Family Business

Man-oh-man. My week has been packed and is only getting fuller. Sunday is “Family Business Day” at Garnett, which is another way of saying “Budget Sunday.”

Now more than ever, I’m understanding that a church like Garnett is both a family and a business. Both are equally important. Sometimes I get the sense that some would rather we not talk about business with the family, but the simple truth is that if we don’t take care of business and if the family doesn’t understand why the leadership is making some of the business decisions it is, then in the long run, there will be no family called the Garnett Church of Christ. The challenging part of all this is finding the appropriate balance between the two.

Tomorrow I’m making a quick run down to Oklahoma Christian to speak in chapel. I’m talking about “My Struggle for Faith.” That’s a topic I can go on and on about for hours, but I’ve got to condense it into 12 minutes. No problem.

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