The Passion

Last week I watched The Passion just before we left on our vacation. Just like you, Ive already read a number of reviews and personal reflections about the movie. Im not sure I have much to add to the conversation at this point, but since we talked about the movie at length here several weeks ago, I feel a comment or two is in order. So here we go.

It didnt appear that I was among an overly Christian crowd. There was even some rude talking going on during the first few minutes of the film. That didnt last long. The theatre was silent when the final credits rolled.

Several times I cried so hard that my gut hurt. This is probably because I refused to sob out loud.

As a work of art, the movie is outstanding. Mel Gibson knows how to break your heart with a story.

Leaving the theatre I felt the same way I did when I was baptized nearly 20 years ago. I emerged from the baptistry and the theatre determined never to sin again. If only. . .

I didnt like the scene about Jesus the tall table inventor at all. It struck me as a lame attempt to inject some levity into the story.

The flashbacks were helpful, but there are two scenes I would have liked to see: Jesus trashing the temple and Jesus thundering away at the religious leaders (Matt. 23). Both of these scenes would have helped to put Jesus suffering in context. Jesus went to Jerusalem to pick a fight with the temple establishment. He condemned it through both word and deed. From the perspective of the Jewish leaders, they had good reasons to want him dead. He was trying to jerk the rug right out from under their feet. Jesus was innocent, but he was not passive. You can even make the case that he forced their hand by publicly denouncing them.

I dont see the movie having a huge evangelistic impact on our culture, but it has been good for a conversation or two. Its greatest value will be for devotional purposes for Christians who need to be reminded of why they are Christians in the first place. It is a multimedia Stations of the Cross. As such, it has stirred my heart and stimulated my faith.

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