Tulsa Workshop Leadership Adjustments

My good friend Terry Rush has an important announcement about the Tulsa Workshop over at his blog.


  1. That is a shame. I hope you’re doing the right thing.

  2. brad haltom says:

    Good Decision,

    btw, Its not Wade, but the church at Garnett making the decision.

    Its somthing that has to happen.

  3. “The consensus here is that on the leadership level there simply isn’t the passion for and commitment to the workshop that is needed to design and execute a quality program. We love the workshop. We support the workshop’s vision and mission. But we feel like its time for our church to direct it’s energy in other directions.”

    Just curious, what are the directions in which the Garnett leadership is placing its passion, commitment and energy?

  4. Bethany–good question. Here are three major areas of concentration for us.

    1. Internal leadership development. If we don’t identify and develop more leaders and quickly, Garnett has a very limited future.

    2. Figuring out ways to engage our increasingly multi-cultural neighborhood. The event center and bi-lingual preschool are but the tip of the iceberg.

    3. Someday I hope we can plant a few churches. We’ve dreamed about it for several years now, but it won’t happen until #1 and #2 are moving along nicely.

  5. Wade, it seems to me that once again you have made a courageous decision … perhaps one that was hard to make … in order to focus on the items that need your attention at this time. Thanks for your past service in this area … and thanks for the perseverance in a situation that must be difficult at times. I’m sure it has it’s joys as well.

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