Up and Running Again

Looks like we’re up and running again.

The company hosting my site switched servers and knocked me off line for almost a week.

They may not be my hosting company much longer . . .

I appreciate the cards and calls of concern.


  1. You must be with THG, too? I’ll be switching soon, too.

  2. Chris Kalmbach says:

    I figured that the lunatic fringe got to you after your post on Harry Potter the Christian…

  3. Glad you’re back, Wade. I missed you, although I couldn’t access your blog for part of the time you were out. Most of the time, I guess.

    Cheers & Blessings to you all today!


  4. Yep, I’m a THGer as well. Switchage is imminent.

    May I suggest TAGDmedia (http://www.tagdmedia.net/). Supposedly very reliable. And smaller than THG, so more personalized support.

  5. Yes–I’m with THG, but not for long.

  6. Most servers never do that.

  7. Ever since I read the comment by Steve, I keep saying the word “switchage” in my head. I think I like it.

  8. man… i cant say it… switchachachage… just cant do it..

  9. I am so glad your up and running again brother.
    I love your blog and post.
    They are so encouraging as well as challanging to my faith.
    Keep it up!

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