Why I Don’t Blog Much Anymore

Just the other day I ran into someone who said that he reads my blog. I immediately felt guilty for not posting more often. This blog has been the biggest casualty from our move here. I just can’t seem to get into a blogging rhythm anymore.

One possible reason is that I used to spend long hours in my office and there would be plenty of time for composing posts. I’ve been on the run so much since we’ve moved here, I haven’t had a lot of dead moments in front of the computer.

Another reason is that a lot of the content on this blog has been from the overflow of my preaching. I’ve tended to post things here that I’ve wanted to process for a teaching series or that I’ve pulled from past messages in order to create a conversation. Since I’m not preaching each week, I’ve got less material to draw from.

I’m also reading less. I used to read a book a week. Right now, I’m lucky to read a book or two a month. (Since my Kindle arrived in the mail on Saturday, maybe this will change?) Again, less reading means less to talk about here.

Twitter has also hurt this blog. I’m tweeting more and blogging less. My thoughts are shrinking from the size of paragraphs to less than 140 characters.

I’ve also spent a lot of the last twelve years living in a theoretical world. I had the luxury of preaching, teaching, and writing about things that weren’t necessarily practical or things that I wasn’t able or willing to practice myself. Now I find myself in an environment where I have to be willing to live out what I’m thinking and talking about in order for anything good to happen. This means I’m doing more. It also means that I’m also speaking less in an effort to avoid giving myself more things to do.

We used to have some really good conversations around here didn’t we? We will again, I promise. I’ve just been too busy living to blog about it.


  1. Amen. Living it is the best preaching out there. Btw, happy anniversary to you and Heather.

  2. Hey remember . . . no more guilt . . . and no more shame. See, I was listening. Whow! I had never heard you preach until I heard you last Sunday. I knew it was gonna be good, and I don’t mean entertaining. I mean I knew it was gonna be something I and others needed to hear. And you delivered. You were God’s messenger.

    Our family had gone to Abilene for my 25th college reunion and to visit our sophmore son at ACU. Listening to you preach and being a part or the worship service that Sunday was the best part of the whole weekend . . . the whole week!

    I can’t wait for this, well, it’s not a church plant anymore . . . what did you call it . . . well whatever it’s called, I can’t wait to lift up praise to our God when the faith community you are working to build steps out into plain view for the North Austin area to see.

  3. thanks Brent! Come see us some time.

  4. Don’t dis so much on your preaching. The fact that you can’t live your words perfectly doesn’t deprive them of their truth. Preaching is clearly one of your spiritual gifts and it brings much joy to the listener.

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