Today is my birthday. It’s been a good one so far.

I think I’m going to look back at my 35th year and say it was a pivotal one for me. In the last six months, I’ve made some major changes in my life. I sought help for my depression. I started doing Crossfit. I totally changed the way I eat. I lost over 35 pounds. I’m in the best physical and emotional shape of my life. God has been very good in seeing me through some tough times.

To celebrate, I did a special birthday workout that I named “XXXVI.” And yes, it kicked me hard.

36 Pull ups
36 Box jumps (24″)
36 GHD Sit ups
36 Kettlebell Swings (55lb)
36 GHD Back Extensions
36 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (70lb)
36 Dips
36 Thrusters (45lb)
36 Burpees
36 Double unders

All done in 27:45.


  1. Lynn Wiltshire says:

    Wade, Happy Birthday, enjoy 35, it goes fast. After 35 it gets serious!! As one who had PPD twice, I can relate to coming out of the darkness. Keep feeling better, Lynn

  2. Friend,

    Am proud of how you have used a stressful year to launch you into a better condition. That is the mark of a winner!

    I love you today!

  3. Wade,

    It’s an honor to be on the Jesus Journey with you. I hope I’m in as good a shape as you when I turn 35. You are a stud!

    Thanks for your integrit, honesty, and open spirit. You are a preacher’s preacher.

    Josh Graves

  4. Happy birthday! Our birthdays are just a few days apart then…I guess you have me by a couple of years though. Hope you have a great year!

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