Archives for May 2006

N.T. Wright and Anne Rice

Fascinating conversation with N.T. Wright and Anne Rice. Strange combination.

American Gospel

I’ve been listening to American Gospel by John Meacham and thoroughly enjoying it. He makes the case that the relationship between church and state, religion and politics, and Christianity and the faith of the Founding Fathers is like most things in history: more complex and nuanced than most people want to believe. He contends that […]

Leave a Hole

I’m memorizing this response from Patrick Mead. It’ll come in handy some day I’m sure. A couple was furious with our church. We had gone to see what happened to them after someone noticed they’d been gone from our worship assembly for some time. “We aren’t coming back,” the husband said. “That is an unloving, […]

Digging Out

We’re back in T-Town and we’re digging out from under all the stuff that piles up after a two-week vacation. There are weeds to pull, clothes to wash, letters to open, emails to send, groceries to buy, calls to make, and most important–saved episodes of 24, Lost, and Prison Break to watch. I’ll be in […]

Cabo San Lucas

We spent a fantastic week in Cabo San Lucas. Absolutely beautiful in a Mexican desert sort of way. Perfect weather. We sat by the pool. We snorkelled in the Sea of Cortez. We ate chips and salsa for breakfast, lunch, dinner and breakfast. We had a family at Garnett give us a week there in […]