Archives for March 2009

Burned Out on Church

Since announcing that we’re moving to Austin to plant a church, I’ve been in contact with a fair number of people who have a friend or relative in the Austin area who aren’t connected to a church of any sort. Most, if not all, of these referrals would consider themselves to be Christians, but they […]

The Art of the Start

We’ve been hanging out in Austin all week long. We’ve met new friends, scoped out different parts of the city, and eaten tons of good food. Can’t wait to move here in June. If you live in the Austin area and want to know more about the church plant, which for now has been creatively […]

Happy Anniversary Larry Bird

On this day in 1985, Bird scored 60 against the Hawks. Even the Hawks were cheering for him.

Ode to Wade

Here’s another choice morsel from my roast at Garnett. This one is from Ken Hager, a good friend, former Garnett Shepherd, and world class wood turner. Ode to Wade This saga begins on a west Texas farm with the birth of Wade, and with little alarm. Loyd and Sue’s ambition for this robust child was […]

Top 10 Ways You Know You Just Heard a Wade Hodges Sermon

On Sunday, we had a farewell luncheon at Garnett. The food was great. It was roasted pork loin. The entertainment was even better. It was roasted Wade. The Garnett leadership team really knows my love language. To me, nothing says “I love you” like good-natured kidding. Why hug someone when you can insult them? That’s […]

Better Stories

“Whoever can give his people better stories than the ones they live is like the priest in whose hands common bread and wine become capable of feeding the very soul.” Hugh Kenner