I’m finishing up my 34th birthday.  It’s been a good one.  I’ve spent a good portion of the day reading and thinking.  Heather and I just had dinner at our favorite restaurant in the Tulsa area.  A nice piece of cheesecake and a batch of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies await.

Every year, I try to remember to look up this quote from Meriwether Lewis, of Lewis and Clark fame.  On his thirty-first birthday he wrote:

This day I completed my thirty first year . . . I reflected that I had yet done little, very little indeed, to further the happiness of the human race, or to advance the information of the succeeding generation.  I viewed with regret the many hours I have spent in indolence, and now soarly feel the want of that information which those hours would have given me had they been judiciously expended.

It’s a good quote and it stings me in all the right places, but its not going to stop me from kicking back on my couch with cheesecake, cookies, and new episodes of “24” and “Heroes.” 

Everlasting vigilance and relentless diligence will have to wait until tomorrow.


  1. Richard Reynolds says:

    Heroes…love that show..wish i had been here sooner missed it going to have to buy it on i tunes…HAPPY BIRTHDAY…you have done much to help my thinking and i thank you for that


  2. Happy Birthday, Bro. Throw back a chocolate chip cookie for me.

  3. I actually sat in my recliner with a Lime Diet Coke and watched all of the 24 episodes up to this point in the day.

    Sarah and i finished them at 1:15 this morning.

    We were celebrating with you… I suppose.

    Happy Birthday

  4. Tom Dahlman says:


    I have never been to Molly’s landing, but now I have a new place to try. If you have not been to Desi Wok just off of 41st between Yale and Sheridan (behind Panera) you need to try it, that is if you like Indian food. Best Lamb Khorma and Tiki Massalla in Tulsa.

  5. Happy birthday! and happy vigilance and diligence today. 🙂

  6. Happy Birthday Wade! Hope this year is full of God’s best for you and Garnett.

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