
I spent most of last week in Malibu at the Pepperdine lectures.  I had a great time chilling out at the Malibu Country Mart, eating stuffed fajita quesadillas at La Salsa, driving up and down the Pacific Coast Highway, and hanging out with a few good friends.

Yesterday I took the day off from Garnett and we went to church at the campus in Tulsa.  Quite an experience. 


  1. welcome back.
    i’d love to process your experience sometime.

  2. David U says:

    It was great to see you last week Wade, if only for a few seconds! 🙂

    May God continue to bless your ministry,

  3. Chris Johnson says:

    Hey Wade this is Chris Johnson the Tulsa Campus Pastor. Glad you dropped in and hung out with us. I hope you enjoyed your time.

  4. glad you are back! i thought you had died. not gonna lie, i am extreamly jelouse of your going to pepperdine.. i bet it was beautiful!

  5. See any stars there Wade? Seen any before? Care to elaborate?

  6. Wade,

    As luck would have it, my first ever chance to visit Tulsa was last week when you and Greg were gone. I took a taxi to Garnett for your Wed evening dinner and classes. Was kindly treated by Shawn and Arlene Mays. Discovered they are Harding grads like me; they lived in Jonesboro, AR in the late 90’s, where my family is; and Shawn spent 8 weeks in Kenya working with my cousin Fielden in the early 90’s. That is one thing that is great about visiting new places. Enjoyed the class on 2nd Chronicles. I was blessed that evening.


  7. Rob–several years ago I saw Pamela Anderson at the Malibu Country Mart. I was sitting at a table with a couple of preachers and . . . you!

    I think we all agreed that someone needed to go over and invite her to the keynote lecture that night. None of us did.

  8. Hey Wade! I met you briefly at Pepperdine this year outside the Smothers Theater when I was visiting with Gary Holloway and John Alan Turner. I “did” meet Pamela Anderson this year (briefly) while she was at the Pepperdine vs. Cal-State-Fullerton baseball game. Here’s the link to my picture to prove it (if it works)!

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