We Can’t Do Megachurch Anymore

Greg Taylor and I have an article in the latest issue of Leadership Journal.  Check it out and if you want to talk about it, come back over here and leave a comment. The article is intended to be an open and honest telling of the Garnett story as we’ve experienced it.  We’re sure not […]

Power Struggles

Here is another bit from Wood in Leading Turnaround Churches. What do you think about this? Power struggles are fundamentally irresolvable. The question in a power struggle is, who will lead and who will leave? American culture has contributed to the unwillingness of many church leaders to deal with power struggles. Our government functions with […]

Missions is the New Worship

Missions is the new worship. That?s what a friend said to me the other day. I think he said he?d heard it from someone else. Since what this phrase meant to its originator is lost to us, I?m going to engage in some postmodern meaning making and tell you what it means to me. In […]

Maintenance or Mission?

I found the following on Willimon’s blog. It was written by Harold Percy. I forwarded it to our staff and it’s generated some great conversation. The consensus is that it does a pretty good job of describing the transition (and the pain brought on by such a transition) that we’re experiencing at Garnett. MAINTENANCE OR […]

Equipping is Not Delegating

Here are some important words from R. Paul Stevens that I return to every couple of months because I need this reminder: Equipping is not delegating. Pastors think they are equipping the laity when they delegate certain parts of their ministry to laypersons. For example, a pastor my not personally enjoy doing premarital counseling, so […]

Equipper’s Guilt

This morning in staff meeting we talked about what I’m going to call Equipper’s Guilt. Equipper’s guilt is something I’ve had ever since I’ve been involved in paid ministry. A big part of my job is equipping others for ministry. Yet when I approach someone to partner with me on a ministry project or task, […]

Monkfish Abbey

Monkfish Abbey is a church with a difference Tips for building generous “soul-care” communities, from Rachelle Mee-Chapman, “urban abbess” of Monkfish Abbey: * Make the table your altar. Eat simple meals together regularly and enjoy the conversation. Anchor your celebration with a simple ritual of breaking bread or saying grace. Try having a “question of […]

Just As They Are

Jesus said it would be hard to get people to trade in the old wine for the new (Luke 5:33-39). 2000 years after Jesus first started eating with sinners we still find ourselves gravitating toward the old. One of the ways in which we are most unlike the Jesus we follow is seen in our […]

The Synagogue

Ever wonder how “The Synagogue” came to be? We read about synagogues all the time in the Gospels and in Acts, but where did they come from? We don’t read about them in the Hebrew Scriptures. There’s no command, example, inference, or precedent authorizing the Jewish people to form these small communities focused on prayer […]

Exclusion and Embrace

Lohfink reminded me of Miroslav Volf’s Exclusion and Embrace. I’ve posted these quotes before, but I think they’re pertinent to the discussion, so please pardon the repetition. My thesis that the practice of nonviolence requires a belief in divine vengeance will be unpopular with many Christians, especially theologians in the West. To the person inclined […]