The Logic of Evangelism

Yesterday at the Tulsa Emergent Cohort we talked about evangelism. I tried to stoke the conversation by bringing some quotes from one of the best books on evangelism I’ve read: The Logic of Evangelism by William J. Abraham. What is especially striking is the way in which the gospel of the kingdom initially spread. It […]

The Secret Message of Jesus: Part 2

The second section of McLaren’sThe Secret Message of Jesus is called “Engagement: Grappling with the Meaning of Jesus’s Message.” In chapter six, McLaren gives a brief introduction to the parables, which he calls the medium of Jesus’s message. He writes, “Human kingdoms advance by force and violence with falling bombs and flying bullets, but God’s […]

The Secret Message of Jesus: Part One

In part one of The Secret Message of Jesus McLaren attempts to excavate Jesus’s Kingdom message that he claims has long been buried. In chapter one, he makes a case for why recovering the essence of Jesus’s message is essential for those who do and don’t follow Jesus. He writes, “In one of my previous […]

Tonight our leadership team will continue our study of the gospel and the kingdom of God. Here is the handout I’ll use to start the discussion. It’s extremely oversimplified, but gives us something to work with. Gospel–an announcement of good news concerning a victory that has been won by God on behalf of his people. […]