Cold Food

Since the holidays I’ve been doing a really good job of eating 1) foods that God made 2) as close to their natural state as possible 3) in moderation.

Nothing blows a healthy eating plan up like an ice storm.  Being cooped up in an ice-covered house while watching football interspersed with severe weather reports on T. V. doesn’t make one crave a nice green salad.  It makes one start digging through the pantry in search of marshmallows and chocolate.


  1. Amen brother!

  2. Isn’t ice cream God-made and just a frozen version of natural? What about homemade salsa? (The chips are Mission brand, any grace there?) If so, I’ve been doing great this weekend as well!

  3. Isn’t it true? I’ve done a decent job moderating, controlling… And for the past three days I’ve done more nibbling, tasting, and junk-food eating than I have in a while. Argh!

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