Favorite Movies

If when I’m flipping through the channels I come across a movie I already own, but stop to watch anyway, then I know it’s one of my favorites. Here, in no particular order, are a few that I find myself stopping to watch over and over again.

1. LOTR Trilogy
2. The Godfather 1 and 2
3. Groundhog Day/What About Bob (Similar but different)
4. The Matrix (The first one only)
5. Gladiator
6. Braveheart
7. Heat
8. Star Wars
9. A Few Good Men
10. Fight Club
11. Lonesome Dove (the greatest western ever)
12. Raiders of the Lost Ark/The Last Crusade (Temple of Doom not so much)
13. O Brother Where Art Thou?


  1. A nice list (especially the reference to the soggy bottom boys). However, it could not be complete without Never Cry Wolf, Seven Years in Tibet, AND Razor’s Edge (the bill murray version).

  2. Wade,

    I am entirely flabergasted! I don’t see Bill and Ted on your list–you must have had a brain, er, burp. Surely, surely, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure makes your list, right???? And btwn me and you, Fight Club makes me barf.

  3. All pale in comparison to Nat. Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Makes me stop like a cow lookin at a new gate!

  4. Amen to the Christmas Vacation comment and Gosh Wade! No Napolean Dynamite? I watch what I want!

  5. Gorgana Hyde says:

    Did you read Lonesome Dove or just see the movie? The book was wonderful! If you haven’t read, please do! By the way, today is the first time I have read your blog and I LOVE the way you think! You were writing my thoughts. In the Old Testament, the Lord was SO specific about every last detail of their worship. If He wanted us to be so rigid, wouldn’t he have done the same for us? Anyway, thanks for the expression of your thoughts.

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