Free Burma

Free Burma!


  1. Hi Wade,

    I thought it was interesting that you posted a “Free Burma” banner. Next spring, I’m planning to travel to Thailand to the northern (Burmese) border and help the Kareni people in refugee camps. I’m not sure what help I will be, but I think the plan is for us (myself and Dale Richman, a fellow Christian here in Hutchinson) to encourage the churches there among the refugees and provide whatever aid we are able. I guess a big part of it is to let the people who are fleeing Burma know that the rest of the world has not forgotten them.

    Unfortunately, they don’t have the interet access that we are accustomed to – and so are left in the dark about how much the rest of the world knows.

    Keep me in your prayers as I prepare to go. I expect it to be a great challenge both physically and spiritually.


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