Good Work

I’m doing a teaching series on work. I’m challenging us to think theologically about the work we do.

From what I can tell, most Christians have a hard time connecting what they do during the day to what gets talked about on Sunday morning in most churches.

I think every follower of Jesus should have an answer to the question, “How does what you do during the day fit into what God is doing in the world?”

So let me ask you, “How does the work you do and the gospel intersect?”


  1. As a social worker, I encounter broken people every day. Their courage in the face of staggering difficulties and wrecked lives reminds me how far this world is from what God wants it to be.

  2. I’m a preacher and I sometimes have trouble answering that question. Sounds like an interesting series.


  3. The gospel teaches us about love, sacrifice , obedience , forgiveness and compassion . All of which can be applied in every aspect of our lives.

  4. When you have the habit of setting a part of each week aside for community worship, fellowship, and bible study, it is easy to slip into letting the rest of the week be “your” time. I have to be continually challenged to think of the rest of the week as even more important to God than my sitting in the pew for a few hours each week. At the same time, the outer actions often reflect the inner self, so spending time in spiritual disciplines can lead to better service in the world. The amish community reminded me of that last year when in the midst of their heartbreak, they continued to live out their faith.

  5. How do the Gospel and my work intersect? Train wreck.

  6. I believe it is out of the demonstration of God’s love and Grace for us we respond with our love towards God by our works, “faith”. Faith may be demonstrated in many ways because we know as Christians without faith it is impossible to please God. In that love relationship we use the gifts he has given us through the Holy Spirit. I believe the CoC has ignored the gifts. I believe if we are to have true revival, real growth, then we must get back in tune with the Holy Spirit and the gifts God has given His Church. That is how we are going to really work in the grace of God.

  7. I have experienced great difficulty in the past with allowing the two to work together. One thing I know is that if we truly desire and pray that we shine God’s light at work, the struggle to do so seems to go away as God does what only God can do.

  8. Dan Threlkeld says:

    “How does what you do during the day fit into what God is doing in the world?”

    Watching the weather on a daily basis is my job. I see God’s magnificent power on desplay daily. As much knowledge as we think we have, God has more.

    About the time we think we have things figured out, God reminds us that He is the one in charge.

    I offer up a few words of advice and warning during times of
    tornadoes to help save lives. Rain or shine, God Word provides us with His advice, to help save souls.

    Weathermen are always trying to figure out what God is up to next, but honestly aren’t we all?

    Your question really made me think Wade. I guess the answer should be to make sure what whatever we do on a daily basis glorifys, serves, and honors God.

    Thanks for your blog Wade. I miss you brother.

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