Ice Storm Update

So far so good. We haven’t lost power yet, but a lot folks to the east of us have. Mr. Weatherman says more trouble is on the way.

I’ve had lots of time to tweak the blog, upgrade my blog software, and even make a cute little favicon. I have no idea if it’s showing up in all the right places yet and I’m tired of fooling with it.  I’ve tested it in a couple of ways and in the words of young Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace, “It’s working!”

Now it’s football time. I’m pulling for the Seahawks and Pats.

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  1. So tell me, oh wise one, what prompts one to change their photo on their blog site?

    By the way, I spy no cute favicons. Sorry Bro.

  2. UPDATE: I now have the cute favicon.
    Congrats on the Pats, condolences on the Seahawks.

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