It Was Good

The Turducken was excellent. We got a fresh one from Whole Foods in Austin. We slow cooked it for eight plus hours at a low temp. The duck was the best part. We’ll definitely do it again.

We’re having a great holiday in Texas. The boys have got plenty of stuff to do outside and the weather has been perfect. Later today we’re going into town to watch Happy Feet.

I’m a lifelong Cowboy fan and I’m finally willing to say that I think we’ve got ourselves a quarterback! I’m hoping that the rumors about Romo dating Jessica Simpson are false. Nothing will mess up a young quarterback faster. Just keep your mind on the game Tony. I’m also worried that the media/commentators are jumping on the bandwagon too fast. So far Troy Aikman is the only one I’ve heard trying to keep it real. Of course, after yesterday’s performance, it’s hard not be as excited as a tornado in a trailer park. (The boys watched the “Cars” DVD at least four times on the way down here.)


  1. Hall and Oates made the top ten of VH1s 100 Greatest Songs of the 80s;
    it was “I can’t go for that”

    plus, I assume you knew they are coming out with a new Holiday/Christmas album..

    just thought you might want to know…

  2. I “pray” you are right about the Cowboys, Wade! Also, I agree on the Jessica Simpson thing! My wife used to really like her, but now she’s worried that she’s becoming a dirty popstar like so many that have come and gone!
    thanks for the update on turducken, too!

  3. Must be pretty expensive, that tarducken.

  4. We expect a full review of “Happy Feet,” Wade. I’ve heard it described as everything from a fun, family film to an anti-business, pro United Nations propagando piece. Do the Hodges give it thumbs up?

  5. Wade, while I have never met you I knew I liked you for some reason. All I gotta say is Go Cowboys! What a win they had on Turkey Day. They totally kicked butt!

  6. did the boys like the turducken?!?

  7. wow, what a way to get a win today for the cowboys. It was nice having a kicker that actually made field goals. Up next Nawlin’s

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