Late Breaking News

Earlier this week, Greg Taylor informed me that it’s no longer necessary to insert two spaces after a period. He said it’s been that way for years. It was the first I had heard of it. I was stunned. I still am. Every single sentence I’ve typed for who knows how long has ended with an error and I didn’t even know it. This is a major blow to my self-confidence. How many other “rules” am I unknowlingly breaking? Are people talking about me behind my back because I obviously didn’t get the memo about some other important rule change? It’s almost too much to bear.


  1. Who makes the rules and who has the authority to change them I didnt know that either In light of this news I say lets just stop using punctuation as well Surely that rule change is just right around the corner I figure I will be early for that one since I was late for the two space rule deletion

  2. David Hennessey says:

    I wanna see some official ruling from a governing body here. Maybe the UN can focus a subcommittee on this important topic. Watch the Presidential election – I believe this could be a major issue for someone’s platform. Let’s start a grassroots campaign (

  3. I work in PR and several years ago took a brochure design class. I was MORTIFIED to hear that news. I still can’t do the two space thing consistently!

  4. I refuse to change. I was shocked when I heard the news about that rule. How did I respond? I kept right on with the original, traditional way. I believe in the OLD paths.

  5. What? No more two spaces after a period! What is this world coming to?

  6. In case you didn’t know, there has been another rule change! The exclamation point has replaced the period! Seriously! You should use it as often as possible! You’ll be cool if you do!

  7. Phew…at last someone has had the courage to point out the error of your ways. Yes, the rest of us have been secretly talking about your wo space addiction for months now.

    Seriously, if the grammar police ever do pay a visit to my house, I’m toast.

  8. oops…what was that – I meant your “two space addiction”

  9. What!!! That is an outrage!! But I can adapt to this exclamation point thing!!! But no one can use just one!!!!!!

  10. Not only that, but now software keeps taking the second space out of most of what I type. I think it’s Big Brother Bill who did it. That’s why I’m going to buy a Mac next time…unless they’ve gotten to Jobs, too. Then I’ll go old school old school IBM Selectric.

  11. We here at “Seek ye the two space” are / have restored the ancient two space pattern found in Scripture. Open any Bible and it will be apparent to anyone seriously seeking the truth that indeed the pattern is two spaces. Now you might pull out one of those so called Bibles that is not in the beautiful King James and find thus. But we here are defending the faith of two spaces. Plus I learned to type from the last teacher in the US (documented)still teaching on all manual typewriters. They didn’t even have letters on the keys, so it did you no good to look down. Minus one if only one space. I’m sticking to it. What does Greg know anyway.

  12. Wade,

    I was told in college English courses that I only needed one space after the period but I was not told that I had been taught correctly but somehow missed the “move” to one space over two.

    I too have felt the same of being a “two spacer” but feel liberated to read I am not alone. “My name is Josh, and I’ve been sober from ‘two-spacing’ for three years. I will always be a ‘two-spacer’ but with God’s help I may overcome this addiction.”

    I guess there is no set authoritative body to determine such “rules”.

    Pretty soon we are going to learn that there are no official chapters in the Bible. The resurrection could be in jeopardy. I’m surprised this wasn’t covered in the Da Vinci Code šŸ™‚

    Enjoyed getting to talk with you in Nashville at the ZOE Conference.


    Josh Graves

  13. Do I need to come personally to each of you to exhort you, or shall I just quote you book chapter and verse on this matter?

    First, a story. Editors famously roll their eyes when designers re-type headlines, cutlines, and often foul up otherwise perfect šŸ™‚ copyediting. So I was also stunned five years ago when my graphic designer laid the one space rule on me. I later confirmed this in the Chicago Manual of Style, which Wineskins uses. So I must thank Marc Whittaker who explained to me the way of grammar more adequately.

    Now, book chapter and verse:

    This is not exactly a true CMOS entry but opinion of one of their copyeditors who is toeing the CMOS line. If you’ve never seen the style manual, I’d highly recommend it if you want to get serious about writing, but it’s pricey. Look for a used older edition (they’re on 15th right now).

    While I’m at it: you’ve probably heard that you ought to get the old classic, Elements of Grammar by Strunk, the old English teacher that E.B. White (Charlotte’s Web) took and made famous, but for all it’s brevity and curt good advice, it’s also crusty and inflexible and out-dated. I’d suggest another good book on writing/grammar by another heavy-weight, Arthur Plotnik, Spunk and Bite (

  14. Isaywetakeoutallspacesandjustuseletterswithoutcapitalizationorpunctuationandthrowoutgrammarwhileweareatititwouldsaveworkandmakealittlemoreroomonakeyboardformoreimportantbuttons

  15. Tell that to Mrs. Spiceland my friend. Freshman comp still rings in my ears every time I sit at the keyboard. Two spaces it is!

  16. I’m with Keith: Believe in the OLD paths.

    Plus, GT, what is the new ruling on its/it’s, in light of this line from your comment: “but for all it?s brevity and curt good advice . . .”?


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