Like Sands Through the Hourglass

I love this image from Repacking Your Bags:

It begins with an image-the image of an hourglass. Most of us live our lives as if we’re in the top of the hourglass. We’re rushing around trying to build our sand castles, but as fast as we can do so, the sand is running out. The longer we wait, the less sand we have, every minute that goes by is increasingly precious and pressured. We can change our mindset, though. We can imagine that we’re living in the bottom of the hourglass. This way, each minute that passes by is adding to our wealth. To our experience. To our ability to build whatever castles we want.

What a beautiful thought! Everything that happens, every success, every failure, every experience, every mistake, every lesson learned is but another grain of sand in the bottom of the hourglass, ready to be used in the service of whatever comes next.


  1. Charles McGonigal says:

    Gotta say – I really like that.

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