Looking for Houses

We’ve been busy looking for houses. Haven’t done much except look for houses. It’s amazing how all the houses start to look alike after a while. I keep looking for one with a view of Mt. Baker, but I haven’t had any luck. I did see one yesterday that had a nice view of the Catoosa water tower. The realtor said you could still see it on cloudy days. I know, if it sounds too good to be true, . . .

Last night, I snuck away to watch a movie. It had been about a month since my last flick and I was suffering from cinematic withdrawals. Unfortunately, I made the poor choice of watching Daredevil, which was in my opinion neither daring nor devilish and was instead dumb and dorky. A better choice would have been to check out The Recruit or watch The Two Towers for a second time.

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