Nice Sign

I was running my usual route through the neighborhood the other day and I saw a sign in a front yard several houses down that said: This yard is NOT your dog’s restroom. Please stay off the grass.

I saw a Great Dane in the backyard next door. . .

I can only hope that this sign was a last resort to stop unwanted fertilization, not the first.

I also hope the Great Dane can read. I bet a dog that big gets to do his business wherever he wants.


  1. David Wilson says:

    As a Great Dane owner I can tell you two things. One, it isn’t easy to stop one from going if he decides “this place looks good.” And two, when they do go on grass, something in the makeup of their urine kills that spot. Dead. As in brown grass spots.

  2. I’d like to know where they got the sign…but I’m glad my neighbor doesn’t have a Great Dane.

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