One Turducken Please

Given the overwhelming support I received in the comments in the previous post, I had no choice but to place an order for one Turducken. Be looking for a post-Turducken report about this time next week.

By the way, I’ve checked and Leviticus has nothing to say about the eating of Turducken so I think I’m ok from a biblical standpoint.


  1. Bon Appetit!

  2. 2 Chronicles 21:15 (ASV) “and thou shalt have great sickness by disease of thy bowels, until thy bowels fall out…”

    I will start praying for you immediately.

  3. Paula Deen prepared one last night on FoodTV… I don’t know about this stuff…

  4. I am awaiting a bite by bite report. I must admit.. jealousy is rearing its head. I so want to dive into one of those…

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