Random Declaration #1

Almond butter is way better than peanut butter.


  1. never got peanut butter, just never got it.

  2. just tried pistachio butter this past weekend…not bad…

  3. When one of you says, “I am of almond” and another, “I am of peanut”, are ye not mere sandwich eaters? What, after all, is almond butter? And what is peanut butter? Only servants through who you came to know jelly. So neither almond nor peanut is anything, but only jelly who makes things edible. Amen.

  4. Let me help frame this discussion. Almond butter is not a mass market product and as such only appears in expensive, hoyditoydi shops such as Wild Oats and is likely not mixed with sugar as most peanut butters are. I have, however, offered Wade organic peanut butter that is nothing but crushed peanuts and is similar in texture and taste to the almond butter in question. I don’t recall if he took me up on the offer, though he did offer me several sticks of celery and the almond butter for which I’m truly grateful.

  5. Why mess with something that works…..(ooh, I sound like a traditionalist) Where do I buy this Almond Butter? We may not have the proper hoyditoydi shops here in nowhere Alabama!

  6. Sam Middlebrook says:


    That was HILARIOUS.

  7. Would Reeses make an Almond Butter cup? (“Hey, you got your chocolate in my almond butter”)
    Might we see Almond Butter Swirl ice cream soon?
    Maybe the next big selling cereal will be Almond Butter CRUNCH!
    What color will the Halloween wrapper be for the chewy Almond candy? (Why, almond of course.)
    Crackers and almond butter anyone?

  8. Can’t top Brad’s exposition! But I’ll stick with the real thing. Peanut Butter. Extra crunchy. Roasted Honey Nut.

  9. Chef's wife says:

    What about Nutella? It’s hazelnut butter and chocolate. Definitely not organic, or healthy for that matter, but yummy for sure! I knew Roy was a man worth keeping when he showed me such lovely food existed in this world.

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