Stop Reading the Bible!

Yesterday, Caleb and I went to Houston where I preached for the New Beginnings Church. It was my third time to preach there, but my first to bring one of my boys along. Before the gathering started, we were sitting up front and Caleb was thumbing through the Gospel of Mark in my Bible. He came to the section heading that said, “John the Baptist Beheaded.”

“What’s that mean?” he asked.

“Well,” I said, “It means they cut his head off.”

He said, “Oh wow! I’ve got to read this story.”

As he tried to read it, several people came up to say “Hi” to me and introduce themselves to Caleb. He didn’t do a very good job interacting with them. He’s naturally shy anyway, but he was also engrossed in his reading. I kept prodding him to look up and speak directly to the adults who were addressing him.

He kept resisting.

Finally, in a fit of parental frustration I grabbed the Bible from his hands and said, “Will you stop reading the Bible and start paying attention to people!”

It’s the shortest sermon I’ve ever preached.

Let us stand and sing.

I’ll be the first to go forward.


  1. Wade –

    Tom & I are here in Abilene at my mom’s house. She’s 89 and going pretty strong, considering. My younger sister is sitting here, too, so I just read your blog post to the three of them. We are laughing out loud with you over you & Caleb . . . that is priceless!

    There were four of us kids all close together and my dad was ALWAYS taking part in church activities, i.e., leading singing, prayers, teaching classes, preaching with one or more little kids hanging on him.

    What joy our children bring us . . . and what life lessons, for sure. Thanks for sharing this story with us!! Made our day just that much better and brighter.


    • That is fantastic Dee! Thanks for letting me know. I’m glad you all liked it. Eat some good BBQ for while you’re there in Abilene.

  2. Jane Harrison says:

    Hope between Caleb driving you home yesterday…ha!…you let him have time to finish the story. Enjoyed getting to meet him and visit with you. I always say if you think you’re a great parent, just have one more child and God will show you how little you know. There’s no other adventure in life that can teach us so much about the Father. Love the way He’s teaching you to use real life to share His truth with others. God’s blessings! The Harrison 9

  3. I love it! Totally my kind of sermon. So right! There are countless churches who need to hear it! Be sure to let me know if you find yourself speaking up here in Green Country.

  4. Casey McCollum says:

    good word for me to hear – i often choose books over people.

    so, to add to the problem – i’ve got a book recommendation for you – Running the Books – really interesting, funny memoir about a young Jewish guy who is a librarian for a prison.

  5. Viggo Ulrich says:

    Casey, you hit the nail on the head for me too. It’s so much easier to read books and study theology than it is to live out the Lordship of Jesus. Books don’t hurt me!!

  6. Jeremy–I may be up there this summer doing something. I’ll let you know.

    Casey–Running the Books sounds intriguing. Thanks for the heads up.

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