
No time to blog right now. . .

I’m within a hundred pages of being done with Harry Potter. . .

Can’t stop reading. . .

Will be useless until it’s finished. . .

Update: I finished last night/this morning at 1 AM. What a fantastic ending to a well told story.


  1. Charles says:

    It took you this long? Couldn’t put mine down until it wrapped up at 1:30PM Saturday. I hope the last 100 pages filled your expectations like they did mine.

  2. I am so glad to have my husband back, he WAS useless for 2 days! Now that he has put the book down I can pick it up. See ya later……..

  3. I just hate that it’s all over…I didn’t want to keep reading because I knew it was THE end. Awesome, awesome way to end a great story.

  4. My father in-law pre-ordered it for us on Amazon months ago, but he had it sent to his house… Can’t wait to get it next week when we see them!

  5. I finished at 1 a.m. as well. It was great, but I too am sad to see it end.

  6. Hey guys, I just had a truly crazy observation that I wanted to share with you. I am truly asking this in a information gathering/ knowledge expanding way so please do not be offended by what I say.

    I used to live in Tulsa and I grew up in the Church of Christ there and quite honestly got disillusioned with the whole idea. The reasons why are old and Im sure, well documented since I know these things are talking about now in the CoC. There is a movement and wave starting of people trying to “reform” or inspire the old school and replace some old traditions with relationship. I know a big topic is music and a capella singing.

    With Harry Potter being so popular with you guys…and I am sure others who won’t admit it, and so many other Christians being against it…doesn’t it seem a bit absurd to you all that you can come together under Harry Potter and not music, doctrine, or a way to confront the shifting values of our culture? I think I am missing something in distance and seperation since I now live in Indianapolis, but I was just stunned by the Harry Potter talk on a CoC website…I figured the place would burn down (or someone would burn it down!!)

    Basically….what gives?

  7. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. I am one of at least three people that simply has no clue what the buz about Harold A. Potter is all about. I simply do not get it.

    Clueless in GA,

  8. Zac–it’s a good question/observation. I can’t really address it though.

    I preach for a Church of Christ in Tulsa, but I don’t really consider myself a Church of Christ preacher. That distinction will be lost on some, but others will know what I mean.

    I don’t consider this to be a Church of Christ blog. There are readers and commenters from all over the religious spectrum.

    I gave up trying to figure out Church of Christ politics a long time ago.


  9. Interesting. Thanks!

  10. Nice Wade. I was waiting to see how you would handle that.

  11. How was it handled?

  12. OH man! I got the book and then the next day went off to camp to be a counselor… and I wasn’t able to read for more than about 30 min at a time… so my read was drawn out over 8 days… it was killer! Well… I am satisfied. Goodbye Harry!

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