The Starbridge Novels

When I read fiction, I almost always read “guy fiction.” If spies, explosions, and covert operations aren’t involved, then I have a hard time paying attention. I’m shallow that way.

Every now and then, I find an author who keeps my attention without blowing anything up. I love the Harmony Novels, and I’ll read just about anything written by Chaim Potok.

Another one of my favorite authors is Susan Howatch. I’ve read the first three in her series of six Starbridge novels.  Set in the 1930’s and 60’s and detailing the emotional and spiritual agonies of clergy in the Church of England, they are a mix of theology, psychology, and good old fashioned storytelling. The only explosions are emotional in nature and the biggest mysteries are buried deep in the hearts of the main characters. Many of you will be fascinated, and maybe even inspired, by the stellar examples of spiritual direction in each story.

I’ve recommended these books to several friends over the years, and I can think of only one who has taken me seriously. He later emailed me a note of thanks. I was turned on to these books by Peter Scazzero, who mentions them in his book, The Emotionally Healthy Church.

Check em out and let me know what you think.

If you’ve read them, feel free to leave an “amen” in the comments.


  1. I’m just barely into My Name is Asher Lev … my first Potok book. Not sure why it took me so long to discover him.

    Thanks for the reminder about the Howatch books. I read Glittering Images years ago with good intentions to return to the series, though I never did.

  2. Wade, been following your blog a little while. Thanks for sharing. Susan Howatch is one of my favorite authors as well, and this is easily her best series. The best book in the series is the last one, Absolute Truths, which weaves together the previous 5 books together and gives perhaps the best look into spiritual formation I’ve ever seen. It’ll knock your socks off.

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