Tombstone Exercise

If you’ve ever done a self-help, envision the outcome of your life kind of exercise, then you’ve probably been asked to write down what you’d like to have written on your tombstone. To make that exercise a little more concrete, I point you to the Tombstone Generator.


  1. So, you’re going to live to 130, eh?

    Oh, and I like noodles too. 🙂 My favorite thing to eat is ____ ‘n noodles. You know, chicken ‘n noodles, beef ‘n noodles, tuna ‘n noodles …

  2. Thats where that came from!!

    Live to be a 130 if you eat noodles!!!

  3. I’m not a big James Dobson fan, but I like the story he told about asking his dad what he wanted on his tombstone. The older Dobson thought a bit and said, “Put ‘He loved.'” Then he asked his mom and she answered “Put ‘I told you I was sick.'”


    Here Lies David Valentine
    A Perfective Individual
    Who Lived His Life
    And Achieved Nothing.

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