
For years I’ve heard John Madden rave about Turducken.

What is Turducken?

From Wikipedia:

A turducken is a de-boned turkey stuffed with a de-boned duck, which itself is stuffed with a small de-boned chicken. The cavity of the chicken and the rest of the gaps are filled with, at the very least, a highly seasoned breadcrumb mixture or sausage meat, although some versions have a different stuffing for each bird.

I’m seriously considering getting a Turducken for my family’s Thanksgiving feast.

Before I do, I have a couple of questions:

1. Anybody out there ever had Turducken? Is it any good? Is it worth the effort?

2. Anybody know where I can get a Turducken? I’ve found several online distributors, but I’d love a recommendation, especially if it’s near Austin.


  1. That’s about the grossest thing I’ve ever seen. I hope it tastes better than it looks. Yikes.

  2. Charlotte W. says:

    I have to agree with Melissa, that looks pretty bad. Duck is rather a fatty bird, I’m sure the whole thing is swimming in grease.

  3. Jamie Clay says:

    I think an even better idea would be to shove that whole thing inside a pig, then inside a cow. Yummm.

  4. Ok–I’m changing pictures.

    And Jamie–that is an excellent idea.

  5. Hey Wade – This is REALLY Melissa. The comment supposedly posted by me was actually posted by your wife. She was just too much of a Turducken to sign her own name. She promised she would confess her forgery to you – but I’m not sure that I trust her! You should definately serve Turducken for Thanksgiving….and Christmas…..

  6. http://www.cajuncreations.com/SearchResult.aspx?CategoryID=40&Affiliate=1

    Here’s a link to a great source and a really really good Turducken pic. When I looked at the pic you have I almost hurled myself and i love Turducken. Try a new pic and you can order one from the site above. It’s absolutely fantastic! You’ll thank me forever.

  7. i just think this wouldn’t be a good thing to surprise your wife with. especially if you’re having guests.

  8. Redneck Randy says:

    Anyone know where you can hunt one of these??

  9. Mathew Richardson says:

    You have got to be kidding me Wade… I would rather have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich… I agree with Jamie Clay…

  10. doesn’t madden also have a Turkey with six drumsticks…the govt should check into this. What is that man doing in his Maddencruiser? He might be trying to clone Brett Favre or something.

  11. There is such thing as a Turducken in a Pig. Porkturducken.. I have seen it on Foodnetwork..

    Although I have not had one. I know it will be awesome. It truly is the pinnacle of food experiences…

  12. Cajuncreations.com does have excellent Turduckhens… I would personally reccommend the one with Shrimp & Crawfish dressing.

    Our Louisiana Thanksgiving includes:

    Fried Turkey Breast stuffed with Bacon & Spices
    Baked Turkey Breast with Shrimp & Oyster Dressing
    Shrimp & Oyster Cornbread Dressing
    Green Bean Casserole w/ Friend Onions
    Sweet Potatoes w/ Louisiana Pecans & Marshmallows
    Cranberry Sauce
    Pumpkin Cheesecake
    Homeade Chocolate Pies with TONS o Merengie

  13. Good idea, Jamie. Shove the whole thing inside a pig, then inside a cow … and then deep fry it.

  14. The outer 1.5 – 2 inches look pretty good, but then things begin to look a little fuzzy and frightening from there. (Is that a brain in the middle?) I recommend eating by candlelight… one candle… in another room. Good luck Bro and happy napping.

  15. You better be careful…you know what happens when you start mixing your fowls…..or is that liquors……it might take mixing your liquors to make that look good!!

  16. I think you can get them at Herbert’s Meats. there’s one at 71st and Garnett near Merritt’s bakery. Don’t know if they are any good.

  17. How can a person eat anything that starts off with the word “turd”. Not for me, thanks. :)_

  18. Where to find it? I usually buy mine at McArberking. Sometimes BurgaWhatAHop will carry it seasonally. You always have to pay with cashcards and eat it with a sporknife. Too, you’ll need about three hours to get over the shock of what you just ate. It’s a lot of fun….they say….I mean those who survive the ambulance ride!

    Have you ever had beavpossumuskrat? Great cooked over burning tires.

  19. i know one thing for sure…
    caleb and elija wont like it…
    you might want to make some mac and cheese just in case…

  20. Once you stuff all of those birds, you then proceed to stuff your arteries for good.

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