Vital Friends

One of my vital friends recently gave me a copy of the book Vital Friends by Tom Rath. It’s an easy read. It feels like it was article that was expanded into a book (barely). It’s got some great insights about friendship. Here are a few nuggets.

During our teenage years, we spend nearly one-third of our time with our friends. For the rest of our lives, the average time spent with friends is less that 10%

If your best friend has a healthy diet, you are five times more likely to have a healthy diet yourself.

Friendships are not designed to be well-rounded; 83% of the people we have studied report that they bring different strengths to the relationship than their best friend does. This is why it’s so damaging when another person focuses on what we do not bring to the friendship. . . We should not expect any of our friends to be good at everything. This “rounding error” can poison the very best friendships and marriages.

Without a best friend at work, the chances of being engaged in your job are 1 in 12.


  1. So true, Wade! In my last job, I was on the 2nd floor on the opposite side of the building from my coworkers at church! I felt SO isolated!
    I’m LOVING my new job, where I feel like I’ve got great friends all around me (two other ministers and the secretary), who make it a point to stop in at least once a day or so!

  2. Wade,
    Are those your real teeth on your blog photo? So white. Amazing! I want teeth like that.

  3. Shannon Russell says:

    What’s up with no new podcasts? You’re killing me!


  4. Wade,
    In high school I read a book called, The Friendship Factor, and I did a book report on it. My teacher told me, “Do not bring any more self-help books into this class.” So whether it was self-help books or friendship books I learned to avoid from that teacher thrashing, I think that was the last book I read on friendship. So I need the tips, and I’ll watch my diet so I don’t adversely impact your balanced diet.


  5. I personally don’t see where people have the time to even have friendships. It seems tht I have barely enough time to spend with my wife. Wih 4 kids. The pace can get really hectic. It seems the friendships that I do have are superficial at best.

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