Archives for August 2010

Advice to Young Preachers

Since I used to be one, I thought I would offer some unsolicited advice to young preachers. Stop writing sermons for people who aren’t in the room. For the first few years after seminary, preachers write sermons to please their former professors. The more successful they are in doing this, the less effective they are […]

I was a Preacher Once, and I was Young

I was a preacher once, and I was young. I’m still a preacher, but a couple of years ago I ceased to be a young one. If I had to pick an age, I would say it happened at 35. I preached my first full-length sermon when I was 18. I started preaching regularly for […]

Mispronouncing a Nice Funeral

Everyone hopes for a nice funeral, and with the exception of evil dictators, mass murderers, those who text while driving, and a few really annoying Sooner fans, I’d say just about everybody deserves one. You live a good life, put in your work, and endure your trials. You have every right to expect a nice […]

I Still Don’t Like August

Last year I posted about why August is my least favorite month. A year later, I haven’t changed my mind. Here’s why I still don’t like August: 1. The brightness of summer-come-upon-us in June is now dingy and dull. 2. Iā€™m tired of the heat. 3. We usually vacation in June or July. Winter vacations […]