Favorites of 2005

My favorite movies of 2005:

–Batman Begins
–Revenge of the Sith
–King Kong
–Munich (I saw it on Jan. 1st, but that’s close enough)

My favorite books of 2005 (fiction):
The Traveler
Glittering Images
The Dark Tower (Book 7)

My favorite books of 2005 (non-fiction):

The Emotionally Healthy Church
Alexander Hamilton
The Jesus Creed
The Tipping Point
Our Father Abraham
The Heart of Christianity
The Resurrection of the Son of God
Jesus and Empire
Team of Rivals
The Lost Message of Jesus


  1. Great list. Thanks! Happy New Year.

    Jamie Arpin-Ricci

  2. McKnight is doing a series on a book by David Fitch. I have a review copy of the book if you’d like to dialogue with McKnight on it . . . it’s yours with your fully submitted McLaren review of his new book to Wineskins editor and the book returned to my desk where you found it (yes, I agreed to let you take it). I don’t see the book on your favorite list. Are you considering that one for 2006?

  3. sam middlebrook says:

    I gotta agree with your movie list – except for Syriana. It was almost as if they were trying to make an entire movie without using some traditional elements like…

    – plot
    – acting skills
    – conclusive ending

    I guess they thought that rolling the credits made for a dramatic ending, and it didn’t Two thumbs down.

    I’m hoping to convince my wife to see King Kong with me tonight at our date night, but I’m sure she’d rather see “Cheaper by the Dozen” or something like that…

    By the way, it’s obvious that you have not seen “Walk the Line”, otherwise it would have been on and maybe even topped your list of 2005 movies.

  4. Greg–I’m not sure I’d put “The Secret Message of Jesus” on my list. It’s ok, but it didn’t stoke me the way previous McLaren books have.

    Sam–you’re right about Walk the Line. I haven’t seen it. I’m not nearly the movie watcher I once was. I’m not surprised that you didn’t like Syriana.

  5. I finally saw Crash today and literally burst out sobbing mid-way through. Man, what a powerful movie. King Kong was good, and I don’t regret spending the money to see it, but it’s not one I’ll end up renting. (By the way, what’s the deal with Peter Jackson’s use of that, what could be best described as, camcorder/cheap techno-80’s video thing? He used it in Kong and in LOTR and it removes the gravity of the situation rahter than adding to it, like I think he’s trying to do.)

  6. No Chronicles of Narnia?

    I keep hearing mixed reviews about Crash. I guess I’ll just have to see it and judge for myself.

    And I still need to see Walk the Line.

  7. I’m going have to disagree on King Kong. I actually dozed off during the climax….It was just too long!! ** and way too many wild animal chases..

  8. I don’t watch many movies – at all, but watched Crash at my oldest child’s urging – it was powerful.

  9. Crash was awesome.

    Batman Begins at least means there is one watchable Batman movie out there.

    “Walk The Line” was “Ray” with white people and different songs.

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