Long Day

Sometimes I look at my calendar and wonder how everything ended up being scheduled on the same day.  Tomorrow I’ve got a couple of meetings, a conference call, a funeral, and a session of premarital counseling to do.  I know some people are energized by this kind of scheduling.  It completely drains me.  I like to have periods of intense activity and then periods of recovery built into my day.  It’s an energy management technique I learned from one of my all time favorite peak performance books. It has served me well the last few years.  Tomorrow won’t have many recovery breaks.  It’ll be a sprint. . .all day long . . . almost like Jack Bauer . . . but not really.


  1. you can just pretend you are Jack Bauer… but then you would have to do everything by yourself, almost die on several occasions, have your family in peril danger, and save the world…

  2. Hmm…planning busy days in advance… what a novel idea…

    As a youth minister I like to sleep in, put things off to the last minute, and fake it…or that’s the stereotype anyway.

    Of course, a daily planner approach might make 24 a bit less interesting…

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