Archives for February 2007

World Religions: Three Possibilities

I can’t help but come back to the world religions discussion.  If you’re joining us late you can find previous posts here, here, and here. While I haven’t done a lot of in-depth research on specific world religions–I’ve noodled around in books about Buddhism and I’ve listened to an audio book about Islam–I have spent […]

It’s All Relative

Speaking of world religions . . . A handful of years ago, I did a sermon in Bellingham where I dealt with the problem of the world religions and the exclusive claims of Christianity.  My thinking was pretty fuzzy and I asked lots of questions that I didn’t know the answer to.  But I did […]

Christianity and Buddhism

Here’s a link to an interesting post from Tim Geoffrion that is a good follow up to yesterday’s post. (HT:EV) One thing that struck me from my post and the comments that have followed so far is the emphasis that I put on intellectual honesty or epistemology.  This is certainly a western way of framing […]

The World’s Religions

I’ve been teaching the High School class on Wednesday nights for the past couple of months.  We’ve been playing “stump the preacher.”  On the first night, they wrote down their questions that they’d love to see me tackle and I promised to give some straight answers.  The questions ranged from make-me-proud smart alecky to dead […]

Tea Snob

Over the past year, I’ve become quite the tea snob.  No more Liptons for me.  I’ve recently found a neat little tea shoppe with a great online presence that’s not too far from where I used to live.  Check it out and get yourself some tea.  I recommend the jasmine pearls.


I’ve recently had a couple of playful conversations with some friends who want to know exactly when I became anti-megachurch. I’ve also gotten a couple of emails from folks saying in essence, “Yeah, we think megachurches suck too!” This is all in response to the article entitled “We Can’t Do Megachurch Anymore.” Here’s the deal […]

2007 Tulsa Workshop

You can find the latest info about the 2007 Tulsa Workshop here. As usual, Terry and his team have done a great job putting together a stellar event. I’m looking forward to it. Hope to see you there.

A Question or Two

Here’s a good question that came in at the end of the comments of this post. Is it possible for a local church to be both attractional and missional and still make an impact on the culture ? For example : Can we still invite people, have gospel meetings, seminars,vbs, etc. and also reach out […]

Put Your Money in the Box

Sam sent me this article and it reminded us both of something we did at the church we both used to work with.  Instead of passing the offering plates, we put an offering box at the back of the room and simply reminded people that it was there each week.  I don’t remember there being […]

Review of Exiles

My review of Exiles has been posted over at New Wineskins.