Archives for February 2011

People, Ideas, and Things

Several years ago, Mark Riddle shared a simple framework with me that’s helped me assess my strengths and weaknesses. I’ve also used it to to help others assess theirs. What follows is my interpretation of what Mark shared with me. If this doesn’t make sense, don’t blame him. I may have turned his explanation into […]

Stop Reading the Bible!

Yesterday, Caleb and I went to Houston where I preached for the New Beginnings Church. It was my third time to preach there, but my first to bring one of my boys along. Before the gathering started, we were sitting up front and Caleb was thumbing through the Gospel of Mark in my Bible. He […]

What If Churches . . .

managed their money the same way they teach individuals and families to manage theirs in the Dave Ramsey financial seminars they promote?

Why Churches Make Foolish Decisions

Here’s what I mean by “Organizational Wisdom.” Wisdom is applied knowledge. It’s knowing how to do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, for the right reason. God designed the world to work a certain way, according to certain principles that can be observed in nature, systems, organizations, and families. In […]

Church Isn’t Supposed to be Fun

Church isn’t supposed to be fun. Yep. That’s what I said to my youngest when he dug in his heels about going to our new church because he wasn’t having very much fun there. Just saying it made me want to pull my pants up over my belly button and comb the hair growing out […]

What I’m Doing These Days: A Professional Update

The following commercial presentation is brought to you by Vandelay Industries. It’s been awhile since I’ve shared a professional update. Let me remedy that. I’ve got several activities and projects occupying my time and energy these days. 1. I’m speaking on the weekends for churches and other organizations. I’m doing retreats, special events, and interim […]

The Longest Series Possible (Part Six in the Preacher Geek Series)

I have some preaching friends who can sustain long series of teachings. You know who you are. I love you for it. I just don’t have the attention–squirrel!–span to pull it off. I usually start getting bored with a series by week six.  I honestly don’t know if series length matters to listeners, but it […]

Writing Down the Bones

In this video blog I talk about one of the most helpful books on writing I’ve read, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. Special thanks to G. K. Self who recommended it to me many years ago.

A Box Full of Ticket Stubs

What do you want for your birthday? My answer to that question has changed over the past three decades. It used to be all about toys and electronics. My wish list was full of expensive gadgets I had no chance of getting. As I’ve gotten older, I want less stuff and more experiences. Last Saturday […]