Archives for November 2006

Happy Feet

We really liked Happy Feet. That’s based solely on one thing: the boys laughed a lot. They came hope trying to dance like a penguin. Sure, there were the usual adult messages and themes embedded in the funny stuff, but I didn’t pay much attention to all of that. I paid attention to the giggles. […]

It Was Good

The Turducken was excellent. We got a fresh one from Whole Foods in Austin. We slow cooked it for eight plus hours at a low temp. The duck was the best part. We’ll definitely do it again. We’re having a great holiday in Texas. The boys have got plenty of stuff to do outside and […]

A Theology of Food Part 4

So why does food play such a central role in the Bible? Because we can’t live without it. Why does Jesus describe himself in terms of food from heaven? Because we can’t really live without him. It’s no accident that God embeds so much meaning and significance in an everyday object that we can’t live […]

A Theology of Food Part 3

Food plays a major role in Jesus’ life and ministry. In the wilderness, Jesus is tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread. Jesus refuses and quotes Deuteronomy 8:3. For his first miracle, Jesus turns water into wine. He won’t turn stones into bread, but he will turn water into wine. I like that. During […]

Postmodern Traffic

So is this what postmodern traffic looks like? Controlled Chaos: European Cities Do Away with Traffic Signs The whole article is worth reading, but here are several key quotes. “The many rules strip us of the most important thing: the ability to be considerate. We’re losing our capacity for socially responsible behavior,” says Dutch traffic […]

A Theology of Food Part 2

In Scripture, food points to the gracious provision of God. Genesis 1:29-30 (NIV) 29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth […]

A Theology of Food

Despite what those who jumped the gun back in October might have us believe, this week is the official start of the Holiday Eating Season. Researchers estimate that the average American gains one pound between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. I take pride in being above average in this regard. Let’s forget about moderation. Let’s […]

One Turducken Please

Given the overwhelming support I received in the comments in the previous post, I had no choice but to place an order for one Turducken. Be looking for a post-Turducken report about this time next week. By the way, I’ve checked and Leviticus has nothing to say about the eating of Turducken so I think […]


For years I’ve heard John Madden rave about Turducken. What is Turducken? From Wikipedia: A turducken is a de-boned turkey stuffed with a de-boned duck, which itself is stuffed with a small de-boned chicken. The cavity of the chicken and the rest of the gaps are filled with, at the very least, a highly seasoned […]


I love my backyard, especially in the summer. We’ve got enough trees that a canopy of shade can always be found. The only bad thing about having so many trees in your backyard is that come fall you’ve got some serious leaf removal work to do. So Saturday I spent the better part of the […]